Cepovett Safety, experts in PPE clothing
17 April 2024Cepovett launches its re-use platform
17 April 2024Measuring CO² emissions of products
Since 2008, CEPOVETT has been able to measure and assess the carbon footprint, water and waste of its workwear, a key theme in the eco-design of textile products. Thanks to a calculator using ADEME databases and its own data, the CEPOVETT research department is conducting a simplified life cycle analysis (LCA) of its products and collections. This is a quantitative environmental assessment tool, defined by international standards ISO 14040/14044, which enables the environmental impact of a textile product to be assessed, compared and simulated over its entire life cycle, based on a multi-criteria approach. This digital calculator enables all the Group's brands to display the carbon eco-score on their products and provide reliable information on the environmental impact of clothing for end-users. The geographical origins of raw materials, packaging, resources used... the entire manufacturing process is scrutinised. The aim is to ensure transparency throughout the supply chain.
Eco-score for clothing
Environmental labelling for textile products came into force on 1 January 2024 Spearheaded by the French Ministry for Ecological Transition and designed to complement the PEF (Product Environmental Footprint) methods developed by the European Commission, this eco-score (from A to E) will inform consumers about the climatic and ecological impact of a garment.