From eco-packaging to zero-packaging
3 May 2022A circular fabric partnership with UTEXBEL
4 May 2022Reforestation and biodiversity: united for the same cause
EPSILON/ CEPOVETT, committed to an ambitious multi-annual reforestation programme, plants around 20,000 trees every year, near its textile manufacturing site. Since 2018, almost 70,000 eucalyptuses and pines have been planted with 8,500 pines planted and grown in nurseries, i.e. 4,250 eucalyptuses and 4,250 pines as well as 3,080 fruit trees. This voluntary reforestation initiative involving employees (plants are distributed to the workers every year) aims to raise awareness about climate change and biodiversity protection issues amongst all the company's stakeholders.
And with good reason as the country totals 12 million hectares of forest that represent the main energy production and local economy resource. These tropical rainforests (in the East of the country) and tropical dry forests (in the South and West) are home to an outstanding biotype that has been weakened by endemic deforestation. A role that EPSILON/ CEPOVETT is committed to playing, as much as it can, to promote biodiversity and to tackle climate change.