High-visibility, protective, ethical Fluo Advanced range
12 May 2021Epsilon and Bôndy, solidarity reforestation partners
12 May 2021Epsilon / Cepovett committed to solar energy
In order to address climate change and as part of the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius, in 2020, Epsilon/CEPOVETT initiated a project for the construction, operation and maintenance of a photovoltaic installation with a power of approximately 300 kWp on one of the roofs of one of the buildings of the industrial site hand-in-hand with TOTAL and GC SOLAR.
1,700 m2 of photovoltaic panels will cover 50% of the electricity needs of the entire industrial complex (600 kWp), as such meeting CEPOVETT's aim to self-produce some of the energy needs of its production facilities. Over the long term, the Group plans to increase its production capacity to 100% autonomy in Madagascar. While alternative energies still weigh but little in the energy mix of industrialized countries, CEPOVETT is investing in solar energy, a solution for the future in countries with high levels of sunshine.
Sales and Marketing Director, Total Madagascar