A committed SMETA audit policy
24 May 2019Workplace health and sport
3 July 2020Sensibilisation au gaspillage alimentaire
In order to make its employees more aware of food waste issues, Epsilon Epsilon has set up a programme to provide its employees with two meals a day and to distribute leftovers to an NGO. On average, 2,100 meals are distributed every day, with an average daily consumption of 450 kg of white rice, 230 kg of meat, 220 kg of brèdes (edible leaves), 25 litres of oil, 60 kg of sugar, 1,200 pieces of bread and 90 90g sachets of coffee.
By recycling these food scraps, Epsilon supports the development of the development of economic activity around the production site and ensures decent living conditions and remuneration for the beneficiaries of the programme.
"Extreme poverty is a prison that kills the soul and the body". - Father PedroOlivier CUA
Managing Director Epsilon
"Recycling is essential to reduce our impact on ecosystems. Here we make technical and ethical clothing, and we measure the benefits of our programmes on a daily basis in terms of overall quality, both economically, socially and environmentally."