Akamosa, a humanitarian association founded by Father Pedro
14 February 2019An HR policy in support of apprenticeships
24 May 2019Loi Pacte: the foundations of the contributive company
Society as a whole, and the business world in particular, are increasingly aspiring to make a social, economic and environmental contribution by reducing the negative effects of their activities. The Loi Pacte bill passed in 2018 has given companies the opportunity to reexamine their raison d'être and bring stakeholders along with them in their thinking.
By including the "mission-driven enterprise" in the company's articles of association, the legislator has enshrined the notion of general interest and created a new legal status combining the pursuit of economic performance and profit with a view to the common good. As a liberated company, CEPOVETT Group is fully aware of the challenges of a contributive enterprise, and has engaged all its stakeholders in the realization of its ambition: to design and manufacture eco-socially responsible professional clothing.
Suez Sustainable Development Director, President of Orse
"Since CSR has become an integral part of purchasing policies, relations between large groups and SMEs have begun to change: we're moving from a customer-supplier relationship to a partnership that enables co-innovation, with a positive environmental, social and economic impact for the region. Let's speed things up!