Epsilon / CEPOVETT Group goes solar
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24 May 2019CEPOVETT Group plants in France for the climate
Since 2011, CEPOVETT Group has been helping to combat global warming through the "Arbre de vie" voluntary reforestation program, coton solidaire" initiated in Mali, one of the world's most important production areas for organic fair-trade cotton. In addition, the integration of its new head office led to the planting of around a hundred trees and other vegetation. The new 2020-25 CSR roadmap will extend this approach by planting in the Rhône-Alpes region, the cradle of the Group's industrial activities, within a state-owned forest.
We are committed to maximizing the value created in France, notably by purchasing "made in France" fabrics and designing our workwear in France, CEPOVETT Group's reforestation program aims to share this positive vision with its stakeholders. Over and above the climate aspect, this initiative also contributes to safeguarding biodiversity, notably by reintroducing the wild black bee to the forest.
Vice-President, Sustainable Development and External Relations