Siluet: the successful integration of disability in a Ukrainian factory
14 February 2019
Loi Pacte: the foundations of the contributive company
24 May 2019
Akamasoa, a humanitarian association founded by Father Pédro
The humanitarian association Akamasoa was created in 1989 by Father Pedro to help the poor people of Antananarivo, Madagascar. Its aim was to get these people out of the inhumane places where they were living, so that they could lead a dignified human life, i.e. provide them with a roof over their heads, a job, an education and access to healthcare.
The aim is to help poor people build structures - schools, workplaces, clinics - within which they themselves can rebuild their lives and prepare their children's future. After 26 years of struggle, Akamasoa has helped 500,000 Malagasy. 3,000 houses have been built, and 25,000 people live in these rebuilt villages. Each has schools, a clinic and workplaces for adults.
"Our aim is to help poor people build structures within which they can rebuild their lives and prepare for their children's future.